Invest in educational opportunities proven to prevent abuse and learn about trauma sensitive responses to abuse.
Safer, Smarter Kids is a school-based abuse prevention curriculum series for pre-kindergarten through grade 12. It was developed by the Lauren’s Kids Foundation, career educators, and developmental psychologists to educate children, teachers, and parents. The curriculum contains educationally sound and developmentally appropriate content information to arm children with the tools and language they need to better protect themselves from abuse.
The UVCAC prevention team currently teaches the Safer, Smarter Kids program at the elementary schools in Jefferson County School District, Clark County, and at Taylor’s Crossing Public Charter School.
Botvin Life Skills Training (LST) is an evidence-based substance abuse and violence prevention program that is uniquely designed to be flexible and interactive. Based on more than 35 years of rigorous scientific research, LST curriculum is available for elementary – high school.
The UVCAC prevention team currently teaches the Life Skills Training program at Clark County Jr/Sr high school to the 7th grade students.
Darkness to Light’s Stewards of Children is an evidence-informed prevention training to help adults prevent, recognize, and react responsibly to child sexual abuse. D2L believes and teaches that child safety is an adult’s job. Stewards of Children is designed for parents, community members, and organizations that serve children and youth. The training is two hours long and features real people with real survivor stories and experts in the field, as well as other concerned individuals providing practical guidance to prevent child sexual abuse. The mission of D2L is to end child sexual abuse.
The UVCAC is available to teach Stewards of Children to interested organizations, parent groups, church groups, or community members. Contact the UVCAC Education Coordinator to set up a training.
HOPE Conquers ACEs is a comprehensive training program focused on building resiliency and other protective factors both to mitigate the impacts and prevent ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences). HOPE stands for Health Outcomes from Positive Experiences. The training focuses on brain development, ACEs, and building protective factors through a variety of modalities. This interactive training is 1.5-3 hours and has been presented to schools, local and state government entities, conferences, colleges and universities.
The UVCAC is available to teach HOPE Conquers ACEs to interested organizations, parent groups, church groups, or community members. Contact the UVCAC Education Coordinator to set up a training.
Education faces a daunting landscape with students moving back and forth from classroom to home. Keep your students grounded with Positive Action’s Thoughts-Actions-Feelings Circle (TAF). TAF illustrates how this works in life: our thoughts lead to actions and those actions lead to feelings about ourselves which in turn lead to more thoughts.
When this cycle is negative, students do not want to learn. When this cycle is positive, students want to learn. The essence of the program is to emphasize those actions that promote a healthy and positive cycle. The Positive Action program works through these concepts in a systematic way.
The UVCAC is available to teach Positive Action to interested organizations, parent groups, church groups, or community members. Contact the UVCAC Education Coordinator to set up a training.
Let’s Connect!
Quick Links
Upper Valley CAC
162 N. Yellowstone Highway
Rigby, ID 83442
(208)745-2612 Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-4pm