Conference Resources
Download presentations and watch videos from previous virtual educational gatherings hosted by Upper Valley CAC.

Resiliency, Coping Strategies, and Understanding Trauma

Empowering HOPE…not just to SURVIVE, but to THRIVE!

Virtual presentation brought to us by Idaho’s Office for Victims of Crime

Eastern Idaho Public Health’s Drug Overdose Prevention and Response Training provide education on the availability of naloxone, opioid overdose warning signs, how to administer naloxone, and the Idaho Good Samaritan Law.

Participate in an interactive parent education class discussing current and ever-evolving drug and alcohol trends targeting teens, and strategies to engage in conversation about these trends.

Let’s Connect!
Quick Links
Upper Valley CAC
162 N. Yellowstone Highway
Rigby, ID 83442
(208)745-2612 Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-4pm